🌻Solstack: The Book

Solstack is a library that enables the management of an application's control flow through a state stack machine.

A Stack struct holds any number of States. When said Stack is ticked, it executes the main methods of the topmost State. This means that only the State at the top of the Stack is executed, while the ones below it are effectively paused. An exception are the State's on_shadow_tick method introduced in v0.3.0 which is always executed independently of the State's position on the Stack.

Project is in early development, things may change around! Take a look at the changelog before updating. Some text may imply that things are done, when they're not, like The Book. There may be bugs, though the tests should guarantee there aren't many.


The documentation will always be up to date.

Thank you for using solstack!

By Sol solmateusbraga@gmail.com

Last updated