Overview & Features

Take a quick look at the lib and its features.


States have all of the methods you'll need. Here's an overview:

  • on_start — executed when this State is first pushed onto the Stack.

  • on_stop — executed when this State is popped from the Stack.

  • on_pause — executed when another State is pushed on top of this one in the Stack.

  • on_resume — executed when this all of the States above this one are popped from the Stack.

  • on_tick — executed every time the Stack holding this State has it's tick method called.

  • on_shadow_tick — same as on_tick, but is always run independently of this State's position in the Stack.

To hop between States you'll return a Transition enum from on_tick or similar methods, requesting the Stack to perform such transition next tick. Here's an overview:

  • Trans::None — requests the Stack to do nothing.

  • Trans::Quit — requests the Stack to Pop every State it is holding.

  • Trans::Push(Box::new(State)) — requests the Stack to Push the provided State on top.

  • Trans::Pop — requests the Stack to pop the topmost State it is holding, deleting it.

  • Trans::Replace(Box::new(State)) — requests the Stack to Pop once and Push the provided State.

  • Trans::Isolate(Box::new(State)) — requests the Stack to Pop everything and Push the provided State.

Transitions may be requested directly of the Stack or by returning a Trans from inside a on_tick or on_shadow_tick method of a State.


  • An easy to implement State trait.

  • An easy to use State Stack Machine struct.

  • An easy to use set of Transitions between States.

  • New in v0.3.0:

    • on_shadow_tick is provided on States; similar to on_tick but is always executed independently of the State's position in the Stack.

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